I saw the movie Birdman recently and was blown away by its originality and technical complexity. The movie would certainly be on my personal "Best of" list, which got me thinking: how many "Best of 2014" lists did that movie make?
Of course, in the boundless internet world we live in, it is impossible to catalog all the "Best of 2014" movie lists, but the FiveThirtyEight did a pretty respectable job of summarizing the major ones. According Hayley Munguia's analysis, Birdman was on 10 of the 30 lists she sampled.
I was also interested in answering an additional question that might help me find other movies I would like, specifically, what other movies were consistently found on the same lists as Birdman. I've also been looking for an excuse to generate one of those cool animated network graphs.
I spent a couple of hours scouring the internet for "Best of 2014" movie lists (hey, it was a rainy Sunday) , starting with those listed in the FiveThirtyEight article footnotes. I added in a few others that I felt were relevant, and skipped a few I simply couldn't find. My final list is comprised of 126 distinct movies (!) across 25 source lists. A link to the various the source lists can be found here: Movie List Sources
Here's the composite top 10
After creating the database, I did a summary count for each time a movie pair was on a list, and created a network graph in Google docs. You can open the full chart from here: 2014 Movie Network Graph
The data is interactive, and clicking on a node will show you all the other movies that were critically linked (min. 3 links, but you can play with that filter). Node size corresponds to the total number of links.
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